Leah K. Leicht, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist



They say it takes a village to raise a child; given the current world climate, the wisdom of that old adage holds true still.  Raising resilient, thoughtful, and kind children is a challenge that you don’t need to face alone.  Whether you are a parent or a school administrator, I can help.  

I am a clinical psychologist with over twenty years of experience working with children, families, and schools. Children are complex, their development can be idiosyncratic, and the times in which we are living have required us to stretch in ways that may feel unknown or uncomfortable.

Using research-based knowledge on topics related to child development, learning, socialization, and emotional intelligence, I will help you develop effective, empathetic, and personalized strategies to scaffold optimal development.  When we work together, children will build insight as they grow, developing into individuals with the grit and tools to persevere through challenges, the confidence to find their own path, and the openness to be inspired rather than scared when presented with opinions that differ from their own. 


School Consultation

As a consultant to your school, I will make parent guidance and brief therapeutic interventions more accessible to your school community, support teachers' understanding of child development, liaise between outside providers, and optimize classroom environments for the particular students in each class.  When I join your team, I reduce the burden on the school administrators and teachers to serve in the aforementioned roles. 


Working with parents: Being a parent is difficult, and I am here to support you on this journey.  When we work together, I will gain a thorough understanding of your family and work with you to develop concrete strategies and tools that you can use in interacting with your child.  I will empower you to become the parenting expert, tailoring our conversations to best match your parenting style and your child’s disposition and developmental stage.  

Comprehensive Evaluations

If your child is struggling in school, or if you have concerns about him or her meeting developmental or academic milestones, I can help. A thorough and individualized evaluation considers many different domains of functioning including cognitive, academic, executive functioning, visual-spatial, social-emotional, memory, problem solving, attention, and language/communication skills.

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Picture of Dr. Leah Leicht


Dr. Leicht is a licensed clinical psychologist who graduated from Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology (Yeshiva University) with a Psy. D. in Clinical Psychology.  While in graduate school, Dr. Leicht trained in many settings with individuals of all ages, including hospital-based inpatient and outpatient units, community clinics, developmental centers, and organizations focused on helping medically fragile and vulnerable youth.  Through this work, Dr. Leicht began to focus her training on working with children and their families.  She completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at JBFCS's The Learning Center, further specializing in school consultation, psycho-educational evaluations, and therapeutic interventions with children. 

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